Victorian Novel Seminar

Victorian Novel Seminar

English 480-010					Professor Grossman
Spring 1999, MW 1:25-2:40			Office Hours: W3-5 
Pearson 120					Office: 203C Facilities
class email:

Victorian Novel Seminar


Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist (1838) 		Penguin, ISBN 0140430172
Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton (1848) 		Oxford, ISBN 0192817507
George Eliot, Adam Bede (1859) 			Penguin, ISBN 0140431217
Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone (1868) 		Oxford, ISBN 0192815792
Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891) 	Penguin, ISBN 0140431357
We will use the specific editions of the novels that are listed above.
You should read each novel's endnotes and other editorial matter
(appendices, notes on the text).  There may be occassional required
outside readings assigned in class.


Two 6-page papers, due Monday, March 15 and Monday, April 26

One final 10- to 12-page research paper, due Wednesday, May 19

One class presentation (pass/fail).

Individual conferences, held during the semester; lively class

We may have occasion to handle small assignments or further discuss
questions via email.  If you need to contact me, the best method is by
email.  Your first assignment is to introduce yourself to the rest of the
class via email; the address is


2/10	Introduction: The Victorian Novel, 1837-1901

2/15	Dickens
2/17	Dickens

2/22	Dickens
2/24	Dickens

3/1	Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton
3/3	Gaskell 

3/8	Gaskell
3/10	Gaskell

3/15	Gaskell				Paper #1 due
3/17	George Eliot, Adam Bede 		

3/22	Eliot
3/24	Eliot
3/29	[Spring Break]
3/31	[Spring Break]

4/5 	Eliot
4/7	Eliot

4/12	Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone
4/14	Collins

4/19	Collins
4/21	Collins				

4/26	Collins					Paper #2 due
4/28	Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D'Urbervilles

5/3	Hardy	
5/5	Hardy

5/10	Hardy
5/12	Hardy			

5/17	Hardy
5/19	Conclusion				Final paper due
